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title slide for big mac ruling eu

Unpacking the Big Mac Ruling: Lessons for Trademark Professionals from the EU Court

Last Updated June 2024

The legal battle between McDonald's and Supermac's over the "Big Mac" trademark in the European Union reached a significant milestone with a ruling by the EU General Court. This ruling highlights the importance of adhering to best practices when providing evidence of specimen use in trademark law, and establishes a precedent for properly documenting genuine trademark usage, no matter the size of the company.

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inta atlanta 2024 art

Top Technology Trends from INTA Annual Meeting 2024: A Spotlight on Exhibitors

Last Updated June 2024

The INTA Annual Meeting 2024 in Atlanta, Georgia, showcased a diverse array of exhibitors, highlighting the latest advancements and trends in intellectual property (IP) technology around the globe. For an IP attorney, staying abreast of these innovations is crucial for effective client representation and IP portfolio management. 

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Tools and Technologies for Monitoring Brand Infringement Online

Last Updated June 2024

Protecting a brand’s trademark is increasingly complex due to the expansion of online presence that has created a rise in trademark infringement globally. To keep up with this influx, it is recommended that law firms leverage technology to monitor websites, social media, and e-commerce platforms for brand protection and enforcement.

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Social Media as Evidence of Actual Confusion in Trademark Litigation: Powerful Evidence – If Properly Authenticated

Last Updated June 2024

While trademark infringement claims and litigation involve myriad issues and considerations, one question is truly first among equals: is the allegedly infringing mark "likely to cause confusion" with the plaintiff's mark? Put another way, will the relevant average consumers for a product or service likely be confused about the source of a product or service or an affiliation between sources based on a defendant's use?

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TikTok, Copyright Challenges, and New AI-Labeling

Last Updated May 2024

TikTok has emerged as a powerhouse for content creation and distribution, offering a platform where videos go viral overnight. However, the rapid dissemination of multimedia content on TikTok presents significant challenges for intellectual property (IP) rights holders. Additionally, the rise of AI-generated content online has created significant legal challenges.

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What is chain of custody and how is handling digital evidence any different?

Last Updated May 2024

The chain of custody is a fundamental concept that ensures the integrity and reliability of evidence or data across various fields. By meticulously documenting every step from collection to presentation, organizations and legal entities protect themselves against errors and malpractices, thus safeguarding the interests of the parties involved. This article explores the chain of custody of digital evidence and its unique challenges in comparison to physical evidence.

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