Page Vault Resources

White papers, articles, and videos on legal-grade web captures

Social Media Collections Guide: TikTok

Last Updated July 2024

When faced with the task of "getting everything" from a party's TikTok profile, where do you even start?

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Social Media Collections Guide: Facebook

Last Updated May 2024

When faced with the task of "getting everything" from a party's Facebook profile, where do you even start?

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Social Media Collections Guide: Instagram

Last Updated April 2024

When faced with the task of "getting everything" from a party's Instagram profile, where do you even start?

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Social Media Collections: Best Practices

Last Updated March 2024

Someone asks you to “get everything” from a party’s social media presence. Where do you even begin?

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Best practices to capture web content for legal use

Last Updated March 2024

Whether collecting web content for due diligence or as evidence for use in court, the 6 best practices outlined in this report will help strengthen the security, admissibility, authenticity and efficiency of capturing social media, websites, videos, photos and more.

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people searching through the internet on computers

Mastering Google for Legal Investigations: A Comprehensive Guide

Last Updated March 2024

The internet has revolutionized the way investigations are conducted, providing an endless pool of information at our fingertips. Google, being the undisputed leader among search engines, plays a pivotal role in online research and investigation. However, with the vast expanse of information available, it becomes crucial to know how to navigate through Google efficiently to find exactly what you need. This blog post serves as a comprehensive guide on using Google’s Advanced Search and other tools effectively, ensuring that legal professionals can make their searches more productive and spend less time wading through pages of irrelevant results.

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